Custom Corner: Purim

Custom Corner: Purim

This custom corner is a bit different then the others.
I'd like to take you back to a previous Aleph Aleph style Purim.
At one point my then fiancé, now wife :-), wanted to dress as Snow White for Purim. She wanted to make a costume with some of the clothes she had instead of going out and buying one. I thought that was a great idea and decided to lend a hand with some details that would help put the whole thing together. One thing was sewing together a skirt (but that's a whole other story). I decided that Snow White needed a a little blue bird (like the one she sings to in the movies). I had an idea: If I created the bird on top of a ring it could sit on her finger just like in the movie! So I got to work. I found an old piece of scrap wood drilled a hole in it and started carving. After I carved and shaped the bird ring out of the solid piece of wood I got to painting and low and behold "Whittle Blue" was born!
Yeah that's what we named him ;-).


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