Quarterly newsletter #3 (Purim 2016)

What's new?

Clack clack clack!

That is the wonderful sound of a completely new addition to the Aleph Aleph family...


Three types to be exact.
Small, regular sized and an exotic wood grogger.
All three feature different levels of loudness. Order one today to hear for yourself!
The regular and the exotic wood grogger can come with an optional stand, which can be made from curly maple or curly cherry. Customizations are available.
Click here to order yours today.

New Holey Mezuzah Cases

I would also like to introduce two more Holey mezuzah cases. The Holey Olivewood and the Holey Kingwood Mezuzah case. These sell out fast and are very rare so don't miss out.

Custom Corner
Check out the custom corner blog.

Thanks for reading
and have a Happy Purim!

Alex Aronov

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