Purim 2016: Aleph Aleph featured on News 12

Here at Aleph Aleph 10% of proceeds always goes to a variety of charities. In honor of Purim, a time of joy togetherness and most importantly food, I decided to give the entirety of the 10% for this month to Masbia Soup Kitchen. The Masbia organization provides New Yorkers in need with the most basic and essential necessity of life. Not only do they provide nutritious food to the community, they do it in the most respectful way possible by creating a restaurant-style environment using volunteers as waiters.

I had the privilege of meeting the Executive Director of Masbia, Alexander Rapaport, at an event a few years ago. On a whim I decided to tag him in my recent Purim post on Facebook. He immediately contacted me with an amazing opportunity. New tables had been donated to one of the Masbia locations and he was looking for ways to reuse the old wooden tables. Rather than just reuse the tables to create ordinary objects, we decided to repurpose these tables that had been so crucial in performing an incredibly important mitzvah (good deed) into Purim graggers - objects that would in turn be used to fulfill another important mitzvah, erasing the evil name of Haman during the reading of the Purim Megillah. 

I immediately got to work cutting down the tables and making new custom graggers. In the meantime, Alexander contacted News12 Brooklyn to tell them the story of the repurposed tables.

I am so honored to be working with such an amazing organization and can't wait to continue this partnership. May we all go from mitzvah to mitzvah.


You can check out the interview with News12 Brooklyn here:  



To find out more about this amazing organization check out their website at Masbia.org 

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